
It is true that one can do a lot. Two, a lot more. Three, much more.

At Christ Kingdom Mission International (CKMI), we believe that partnership is a covenant relationship between people that share a common vision/mission. Yes, we believe in the exponential power of partnership (according to the scriptures) that one shall put a thousand to flight and two, ten thousands to flight, three, one hundred thousands to, one billion ...

Partnership enables you to water others so that you can be watered also (Proverbs 11:25) It gives you the opportunity to reach out to souls as you join Pastor Sunny in taking the Glorious Gospel of Christ to the ends of the world (Eccl 4:9,12)

There is a reward in partnership: "Not that I desire a gift; but I desire fruit that may abound to your account" (Phil 4:17)


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